CBD vs CBN vs CBG: The Differences Explained

As a potential CBD consumer, you’ve likely stumbled across a few acronyms as you research the topic. Acronyms correspond to the different types of cannabinoids available.
If you haven’t been introduced to cannabinoids yet, they’re the chemical compounds produced by the cannabis plant that end up in your system once consumed.
There are many different varieties of cannabinoids, so it’s easy to understand why acronyms exist to help describe different types. CBD is the type of cannabinoid that’s helped reshape the medical industry, with attitudes towards cannabis changing along with it.
At this moment in time, you’re likely more interested in learning more about CBD vs CBN vs CBG. We’ve written this article to help break down the difference between all these cannabinoids, so you have a better understanding of them.
What Is CBD?
CBD, or cannabidiol, is a naturally occurring compound that is found in the cannabis plant. Unlike THC, CBD is not psychoactive, meaning it does not cause any kind of “high” or intoxication, but instead has a range of therapeutic and medical applications including reducing anxiety, inflammation, pain, and insomnia.
CBD works with the body’s endocannabinoid system to help regulate things like sleep, immune system responses, and pain management.
The benefits of CBD are widely studied and accepted, with more research being conducted on the ever-expanding list of potential applications. CBD is available in many forms including oils, capsules, balms, and edibles, and is highly adaptable and safe for most users.
What Is CBN?
Cannabinol (CBN) is a naturally occurring phytocannabinoid found in cannabis plants. It is an active ingredient of the plant and is believed to be responsible for producing a variety of effects on the mind and body.
CBN is an aromatic heterocyclic compound that is produced as part of the process when THC degrades. It has very low binding dynamics to the CB1 and CB2 receptor sites, suggesting it has mild psychoactivity.
It is an effective sedative and has been demonstrated to possess antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant properties. CBN is often used as an alternative sleep aid due to its calming effects and is sometimes sold as a dietary supplement. It is important to note that CBN does not produce the same high as THC, and does not produce any intoxicating effects.
What Is CBG?
CBG, or cannabigerol, is a naturally occurring, non-psychoactive cannabinoid found in cannabis plants. It is a major precursor of both THC and CBD and is present in many strains of cannabis. Unlike THC and CBD, CBG has very little to no psychoactive effects.
It is also thought to have some unique medicinal benefits, including potential properties like anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, and neuroprotective. When consumed, CBG is absorbed into the body through the liver and can act as an agonist and work with the body’s endocannabinoid system.
In addition to the potential therapeutic properties, CBG may also be useful as a supplement to help improve cognitive function and overall well-being.
Differences in Cost
The cost of CBD, CBN, and CBG products is largely dependent upon the quality of the product. CBD is typically the least expensive option, given its popularity and relative abundance in the market.
CBN products can be more pricey than CBD because of their limited availability and more rigorous extraction process. CBG products are the most expensive of all, since the raw materials are much less readily available, making for a scarcer supply and driving up the cost.
Price per milligram varies from product to product depending on the quality and place of origin, but, generally speaking, CBD is the least expensive, while CBG is the most expensive.
Differences in Side Effects
CBD, CBN, and CBG are all cannabinoids found in the hemp plant. CBD (cannabidiol) has anti-inflammatory, anticonvulsant, and pain-relieving effects. It is widely perceived as having calming and soothing effects with some users reporting increased sleep and improved focus in some cases.
CBN (cannabinol), has a milder effect than CBD, offering beneficial effects for anxiety and insomnia. It is also likely to cause a feeling of drowsiness, making it a great option for those looking for a mellow chill.
Lastly, CBG (cannabigerol) is a fairly new cannabinoid, but is believed to have anti-inflammatory effects and may be beneficial for relieving pain. Each cannabinoid has its own unique set of side effects, but they pale in comparison to those of other pharmaceutical drugs and even other supplements commonly taken for health care benefits.
Differences in the Structure of Cannabinoid Molecules
CBD, CBN, and CBG are the three major cannabinoid molecules responsible for providing the body’s receptors with therapeutic doses of cannabinoids. All of these molecules have similar structures and a shared molecular formula, C21H30O2, but there are a few major differences that set them apart.
CBD is the most common cannabinoid molecule, and its unique structure consists of two rings that contain 21 carbon atoms, and 30 hydrogen atoms. CBN has a slightly different structure, which includes an extra ring and hydrogen molecule.
Lastly, CBG is the most distinct of the three and consists of three rings that contain 21 carbon atoms, 30 hydrogen atoms, and 2 oxygen atoms.
Differences in Ways Each Cannabinoid Is Used
CBD, CBN, and CBG are all cannabinoids found in hemp and cannabis plants. While all three of these cannabinoids interact with the body’s endocannabinoid system, they have different effects due to their unique chemical structures.
In general, CBD like those made by CBD gummies manufacturers is used to support relaxation, while CBN is used for its sedative properties. CBG is also used for its anti-inflammatory effects. All three compounds offer unique benefits and can be used to treat a variety of medical conditions.
CBD, for example, is being studied for its potential to help with seizures, anxiety, pain, depression, and more. On the other hand, CBN is being studied for its potential to treat insomnia, inflammation, glaucoma, and more.
Lastly, CBG is being studied for its potential to fight bacteria, viruses, and fungi, while also being studied as an anti-cancer agent. Each of these cannabinoids offers different benefits, but the manner in which they interact with the endocannabinoid system makes them all valuable in varying treatments.
Learn the Differences Between CBD vs CBN vs CBG
CBD vs CBN vs CBG all have distinct effects and benefits. When used together, these three compounds can be even more beneficial.
CBD may be the most popular, but trying CBG or CBN can help create a more diverse cannabinoid profile to fully optimize your wellness. Try them all and find the perfect combination that works best for you!
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