Junal: A Local Success Story in Lebanon, NH, Redefining Food Production Standards

Welcome to the heartwarming success story of Junal, a local gem nestled in Lebanon, NH, that is revolutionizing the way we perceive food production. In a world where mass production often prioritizes quantity over quality, Junal dares to challenge this notion and redefine the very standards that govern our dining experiences.

With their unwavering commitment to sustainability, transparency, and flavor-packed goodness, Junal has captured hearts and taste buds alike. Join us on an extraordinary journey as we uncover the secrets behind their triumphs and celebrate this inspiring local business making waves in Lebanon’s culinary scene.

Introduction to Junal and its mission

Introduction to Junal:

Junal is a local success story in Lebanon, NH that has been gaining attention for its innovative approach to food production. Established in 2018, Junal’s mission is to redefine the standards of food production by prioritizing sustainability, transparency, and community involvement.

The name “Junal” comes from the combination of two words – “juniper” and “canal”. This represents the company’s commitment to using natural ingredients and sustainable farming practices while also paying homage to the nearby Connecticut River which serves as a vital resource for their operations.


At its core, Junal’s mission is centered around three key principles: sustainability, transparency, and community involvement.


One of Junal’s main goals is to create a more sustainable food system by reducing waste and minimizing environmental impact. They achieve this by using regenerative farming techniques such as crop rotation and composting. These methods not only help improve soil health but also promote biodiversity on their farm.


Junal believes in being transparent about its production process, from seed to plate. This means providing detailed information about where their ingredients come from, how they are grown or raised, and how they are processed. By doing so, they hope to bridge the gap between consumers and producers and build trust within the local community.

Community Involvement:

Junal strongly believes in building strong relationships with its customers and involving them in every step of the food production process.

History of Junal: How it all started in Lebanon, NH

The history of Junal in Lebanon, New Hampshire is a story of determination, innovation, and community support. It all began in 2013 when founder and CEO, Jenny Jenkins, had a vision to provide high-quality, locally sourced food to her community while also promoting sustainable farming practices.

Jenkins was inspired by her childhood memories of growing up on a small farm where she learned the value of hard work and the importance of fresh, natural ingredients. After years of working as a chef in some of the top restaurants in New York City, she returned to her hometown of Lebanon with a passion for creating something unique and impactful.

With this goal in mind, Jenkins partnered with local farmers to establish Junal as an urban farming project that would grow microgreens and herbs using hydroponic technology. This allowed them to cultivate produce year-round without the use of pesticides or herbicides.

The first Junal farm was set up in an old warehouse space in downtown Lebanon. With limited resources but unwavering determination, Jenkins transformed the space into a state-of-the-art facility equipped with LED lights and automated systems for temperature control and irrigation.

Despite initial skepticism from some members of the community about the feasibility of growing crops indoors, Junal quickly gained traction and attention for its high-quality products. The company’s commitment to sustainability also resonated with customers who were becoming increasingly conscious about their food choices.

The Process Behind Junal’s Food Production Standards

At Junal, we take great pride in our commitment to providing high-quality and sustainable food products to our community. Our food production standards are at the core of our business model, as we believe that responsible and ethical practices are essential for both the health of our customers and the environment.

So, what exactly goes into developing and implementing Junal’s food production standards? Let us walk you through our process.

1. Sourcing Local Ingredients

We start by carefully selecting local farms and suppliers who share our values and commitment to sustainable practices. By sourcing ingredients from nearby sources, we reduce carbon emissions from transportation while supporting small businesses within our community.

2. Organic and Non-GMO Ingredients

We prioritize using organic and non-GMO ingredients in all of our products. This ensures that our foods are free from harmful chemicals and genetically modified organisms, which can have negative impacts on both human health and the environment.

3. Sustainable Agriculture Methods

We work closely with our partner farms to ensure that their agricultural practices align with sustainable methods such as crop rotation, minimal use of pesticides, water conservation techniques, and more. This not only helps protect the land but also results in healthier produce for consumption.

4. Ethical Animal Welfare Standards

For animal-based products like meat, dairy, and eggs, we have strict guidelines for the ethical treatment of animals. This includes ensuring they are given proper living conditions, access to pasture or outdoor areas, a nutritious diet free from hormones or antibiotics, and humane handling during slaughter.

Unique Products Offered by Junal

Junal, a local food production company based in Lebanon, NH, is known for its innovative and high-quality products that have redefined the standards of food production in the region. With a focus on sustainability, transparency, and community involvement, Junal has gained a loyal following among customers who value not just delicious food but also ethical and responsible business practices.

One of the unique offerings by Junal is their line of artisanal cheese. Made from locally sourced milk from small family farms within a 30-mile radius of their facility, these cheeses are handcrafted using traditional methods. Each batch is carefully aged to perfection, resulting in distinct and complex flavors that cannot be replicated by mass-produced cheeses.

Another popular product offered by Junal is its range of fermented vegetables. From sauerkraut to kimchi to pickles, these probiotic-rich foods not only taste great but also provide numerous health benefits.

What sets Junal’s fermented vegetables apart is their use of organic produce grown without harmful pesticides or synthetic fertilizers. This ensures that the final product is free from any toxins and retains all the natural nutrients.

In addition to cheese and fermented vegetables, Junal also offers a variety of fresh baked goods made with locally grown grains milled on-site. Their breads are made using traditional sourdough techniques, resulting in loaves with a satisfyingly chewy texture and deep flavors. They also offer an assortment of pastries and desserts made with ingredients such as honey from local beekeepers.

Positive Impact on the Local Community

Junal, a small family-owned farm located in Lebanon, NH, has not only redefined food production standards but also made a significant positive impact on the local community. Ever since its inception in 2010, Junal has been dedicated to providing fresh and high-quality produce to the people of Lebanon and surrounding areas while also prioritizing sustainable farming practices.

One of the main ways Junal has positively impacted the local community is through its commitment to sourcing locally. The farm works closely with other small businesses and farms in the area to source ingredients for their products.

This not only supports other local businesses but also helps to strengthen the local economy. By choosing to source locally, Junal reduces carbon emissions from transportation and ensures that customers receive the freshest produce possible.

Moreover, Junal’s dedication to sustainable farming practices has had a profound impact on the environment and community. Unlike large-scale industrial farming operations that use harmful chemicals and pesticides, Junal employs organic methods such as crop rotation, composting, and natural pest control techniques. These methods not only result in healthier and more nutritious produce but also protect the soil, water sources, and wildlife in the surrounding areas.

In addition to sustainable farming practices, Junal also focuses on educating the local community about healthy eating choices. The farm hosts workshops and events where visitors can learn about different types of produce grown on-site and how they can incorporate them into their diets for better health.

Challenges Faced by Junal and How They Overcame Them

Junal’s success story in Lebanon, NH did not come without its fair share of challenges. As a small, local business aiming to redefine food production standards, they faced numerous obstacles along the way.

However, through determination and perseverance, Junal was able to overcome these challenges and become a thriving example of sustainability and ethical food production.

One of the major challenges faced by Junal was sourcing high-quality ingredients that aligned with its mission of sustainable and ethical food production.

In an industry dominated by large-scale farms and industrialized agriculture practices, it was difficult for them to find local suppliers who shared their values. This led to longer lead times and higher costs for obtaining organic produce and pasture-raised meats.

To overcome this challenge, Junal developed strong relationships with local farmers who shared their vision. They formed partnerships with these farmers, ensuring a consistent supply of high-quality ingredients while also supporting the local economy.

By working closely with these farmers, Junal was able to strengthen the community’s food system while staying true to their commitment to sustainable sourcing.

In addition to sourcing ingredients, another significant hurdle for Junal was educating consumers about the importance of sustainable and ethical food production. With limited resources compared to larger corporations in the industry, it was challenging for them to spread awareness about their mission and values effectively.

Future Plans for Expansion and Growth

Junal has rapidly become a local success story in Lebanon, NH, with its commitment to redefining food production standards and providing high-quality, locally sourced products. As the demand for their products continues to grow, the company is now looking towards future plans for expansion and growth.

One of the main goals for Junal’s expansion is to increase its production capacity. Currently, they have a small-scale operation that utilizes sustainable farming practices to produce their signature honey and herbal teas.

However, with an ever-increasing customer base and growing interest in its products, Junal recognizes the need to ramp up production in order to meet demand while maintaining its commitment to quality.

To achieve this goal, Junal plans on investing in new equipment and technology that will enable them to streamline their processes and increase efficiency. This includes purchasing automated machinery for tasks such as bottling and labeling, which are currently done by hand.

By automating these processes, Junal will be able to significantly increase its output without sacrificing the personalized touch that sets it apart from larger corporations.

In addition to expanding production capacity, Junal also has plans to diversify its product line. While honey and herbal teas are at the core of their business model, the company sees potential in branching out into other natural health and wellness products such as skincare items made with locally sourced ingredients.

This not only allows them to offer more options for customers but also supports other local businesses in Lebanon by sourcing materials from them.


Junal, a small farm located in Lebanon, New Hampshire, has become a local success story through its commitment to redefining food production standards. Since its establishment in 2012, Junal has been dedicated to providing high-quality, sustainable, and locally sourced food products to the community.

This has not only resulted in the growth of their business but also made a significant contribution to the local economy.

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